Five Important Reasons for Facial Acupuncture CEU Certification Classes

Michelle Gellis teaching facial acupuncture

By Michelle Gellis, AP, DiplAc.

For those seeking to add Facial Acupuncture to their practice, this article discusses the importance of proper training with facial acupuncture CEU certification classes.

Facial Acupuncture, also known as Cosmetic Acupuncture, is one of the fastest growing areas in our industry. When done properly it can add value and an additional stream of income to your practice. Many practitioners have recognized this and are jumping on the bandwagon. However, some are attempting to practice without getting facial acupuncture certification. This has lead to untrained practitioners, and improper technique which unfortunately is being publicized on social media, and other places on the internet.

As a nationally recognized, published expert in facial acupuncture my facial acupuncture CEU certification classes are designed to uphold the integrity, safety and professionalism of cosmetic acupuncture.  Many of the photos circulating on social media portray facial acupuncture practices involving excessive needles, placed improperly.

The following are five reasons why it is crucial to get facial acupuncture certification before attempting to practice on your patients.

Michelle Gellis teaches Facial Acupuncture CEU Certification Classes throughout the US
Michelle Gellis teaches Facial Acupuncture CEU Certification Classes

1) The overall efficacy of facial acupuncture treatment is dependent on in-depth knowledge of Facial Anatomy and Neuroanatomy. During a facial acupuncture CEU certification class  you will review the nerves, muscles and bones which make up the intricate facial structure and function of the facial nerves, muscles and vascular system.

2) TECHNIQUE, TECHNIQUE, TECHNIQUE! Proper needling technique must be taught in a hands-on supervised environment. Facial acupuncture has unique safety concerns. Due to the number of needles used in facial acupuncture, the fragility of the facial blood vessels and capillaries, proper training is required to understand the precautions which must be taken in order to avoid bruising or swelling. Additionally, techniques such as submuscular needling, proper use of intradermals, facial motor points, and scalp acupuncture are not something you can self teach. The photos below represent proper and improper needling techniques.

examples of improper facial acupuncture needling. learn how to avoid these mistakes during a Michelle Gellis Facial Acupuncture CEU Certification Classes
Examples Improper needling techniques

Improper Facial Acupuncture Needling:Proper Facial Needling Technique:

photos of facial acupuncture technique
gellis acupuncture CEU classes facial needling technique

3) Learning to screen for contraindications is imperative. Unlike most forms of acupuncture, facial acupuncture can have serious side effects if done improperly. Migraines, stroke, bruising and feinting can occur if these contraindications are not screened for thoroughly. Facial Acupuncture CEU Certification Classes will review potential contraindications to treatment.

Michelle Gellis teaches Facial Acupuncture CEU Certification Classes throughout the US
Michelle Gellis teaches Facial Acupuncture CEU Certification Classes throughout the US

4) Facial Acupuncture must include a comprehensive treatment protocol. In order to properly ground the patient, address underlying pathology, and treat all levels of the face (skin, muscles, fat, etc.) body points, clearing treatments, facial cupping, facial gua sha and microneedle derma rolling should all be included in treatment.

Michelle Gellis teaches Facial Acupuncture CEU Certification Classes throughout the US
Small Hands on Facial Acupuncture CEU Certification Classes taught by Michelle Gellis
Reverse signs of aging. Michelle Gellis teaches Facial Acupuncture CEU Certification Classes throughout the US
One on One instruction

5) It’s not just about wrinkles! Skin care is not something that is typically taught in acupuncture school. Treating conditions such as acne, melasma, rosacea, large pores, brown spots, “drinkers nose” broken capillaries, pale skin etc. requires knowledge of the etiology, TCM protocols, nutrition, and topical products which can rejuvenate and maintain a youthful and healthy glow to the skin.You can learn more about Gellis Facial Acupuncture CEU Certification Classes by visiting my website. All classes are NCCAOM, FL and CA approved for CEUs.


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