About Michelle Gellis AP DiplAc
Michelle Gellis is a Florida Licensed Acupuncture Physician and the author of Treating the Face: A Comprehensive Guide for Acupuncturists and Health Professionals. Currently, she is on Doctoral Faculty at Yo San University (Los Angeles), and she is a former Faculty and Clinic Supervisor at the Maryland University of Integrative Health (2005-2019). Michelle has been teaching facial acupuncture classes internationally since 2006. Throughout her career, Michelle has been sought out to lecture by numerous prestigious national and international organizations such as the Pacific Symposium, The Florida State Oriental Medical Association, The Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (UK), China Books (AU), and American Acupuncture Council. Michelle brings a vibrant teaching style and breadth of facial and cosmetic acupuncture knowledge encompassing safety, ethics, theory, history, point location, and unique precision needling techniques.
Michelle Gellis holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in computer science from Seton Hall University School of Business and a Master of Science Degree in Acupuncture from the Traditional Acupuncture Institute.
Ms Gellis holds the distinction of being one of the very few acupuncturists in the country certified to teach acupuncture facial rejuvenation — also known as cosmetic acupuncture — certification classes on a national level to other acupuncturists.
In addition to cosmetic acupuncture, Michelle teaches treating neuromuscular facial conditions, microneedling, facial cupping, gua sha, ethics, safety, red light therapy, and several other courses related to treating the face.
She has been published in The Journal of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture Today, the Maryland Acupuncture Society Newsletter, and The Acupuncture Desk Reference and featured in Her Mind Magazine, Howard County Business News, and Be Well World Magazine.
Acupuncture publication articles authored by Michelle Gellis:
- The Journal of Chinese Medicine: The Unique Aspects of Diagnosing and Treating the Face in Chinese Medicine
- The Journal of Chinese Medicine: The Importance of Clearing Blocks Prior to Acupuncture Treatment
- Her Mind Magazine: Consider the Alternatives
- Acupuncture Today: An Ancient Art for Ageless Skin
- Acupuncture Today: Using Facial and Scalp Acupuncture To Treat Neuromuscular Facial Conditions
- Chinese Medicine To Go
- The Eastern Facelift
- Cupping Therapy’s Comeback
- The Energy Within Us
- Acupuncture Gets a Facelift
- A-Multifaceted-Approach-to-the-Acupuncture-Treatment-of-Neuromuscular-Facial-Conditions